Why should you choose or gift eco-bags?

Why should you choose or gift eco-bags?

Why should you choose or gift eco-bags?


All that plastic. 

You know where they end up. Despite seeing them clogging our cities and towns, why do we keep using plastic and discard them like there’s no tomorrow? 

Is it because we don’t have a choice? 

Or there is one, but we are yet to accept it?

Eco-bags: Why should you choose them? 

What are eco-friendly bags?

Before we talk about why you should choose or gift eco-bags, it is essential to know what eco-bags are.

Eco-friendly bags are made of biodegradable materials, have a long shelf life and do not harm the environment. Unlike plastic bags, eco-bags do not abuse the ecology. While the world continues to use plastic bags in various shapes and forms, eco-friendly bags are fast becoming popular. 

Such bags can be made of various materials, as we’ll see in the next section.

What materials are used in eco-friendly bags?

Eco-friendly bags are way more durable than plastic bags. When appropriately used, paper, canvas, cotton, and jute bags last longer than their plastic counterparts.


Part of the reason is their making. Biodegradable bags come with ergonomic handles that balance their weight, and make them comfortable to carry, regardless of their weight. You can even pick up more stuff, which you can’t do when carrying plastic bags. They may rip off with excess weight. 

Environmental benefits of eco-friendly bags


Did you know that as many as 100 million sea creatures die due to plastic waste? From entanglement to inhalation, there are many ways plastic waste like plastic bags, bottles and corks choke aquatic life. Some people dump plastic waste into the ocean, but are we off the hook? Landfill sites can only accommodate so much. Before our glorious oceans become the subsequent landfill sites, we should take a step now.

When you switch to eco-friendly bags, you save nature from the dangers of artificial products. These bags are pretty cheap as well. Aren’t they worth buying when the lives of marine animals are at stake?

Depending on their nature, plastic bags take anywhere between 15 to 1000 years to decompose, which means they will affect our environment for all those years. Why don’t we think before casually chucking away plastic bottles just because we have finished their content?

On the other hand, reusable bags are 100% environment-friendly; they are made from biodegradable materials.

Eco-friendly bags are easy to store

Plastic bags come cheap and often come free with every purchase we make. We collect them to such an extent that they occupy a certain amount of space too. But if you use eco-friendly bags, you won’t have this problem. You can have just two bags and keep them folded away in your drawer.

Eco-friendly bags can establish brand identity

Plastic bags are basic with a criminal image. You cannot use it for branding, but you can very well use eco-friendly bags for it. You can have your company’s logo, symbols, quotes and images printed on them for promotion. As for your customers, such items can be quite a fashion statement. They would love to own and flaunt them! 

Eco-friendly bags save you money

Did you know that cotton, paper, canvas and jute bags can save your company hundreds of dollars per month?

Eco-friendly bags are more durable, suitable for repetitive use and thus save you from buying bags frequently. Thus, it saves your money.

Why should you gift eco-bags?

So, there you have it! There are so many reasons for choosing eco-friendly bags instead of plastic bags. 

1, They are durable, last long; one bag can serve you multiple times and thus saves you money 

2. Establishing brand identity is easier with eco-friendly bags than with plastic bags

3. They are great gifting items

4.  Harmless to the environment.

So many benefits just from making a simple, logical switch.

At MHG global, we provide you with eco-friendly bags of the finest quality. These are perfect for cost-effective corporate gifting and brand promotion.

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